BannerWeb Student Reference Guide - University of Dallas

BannerWeb Student Reference Guide

BannerWeb is the University of Dallas' student information system. Within BannerWeb, students can register for classes, view and accept their financial aid, view grades, manage personal information, and much more. Below are some FAQs and how-tos for some of BannerWeb's functions and processes. 

Log on to BannerWeb Student

What is my username and password for BannerWeb-Student?

Your username will be the first part of your student university email address before the "@", and your password will be the same as signing into a computer on campus. If you have not logged into a computer on campus or have not changed your password, it will be your student ID number.

Who do I contact for Registration, Academic History, and Program Changes?

If you have questions about registration, changing majors, grades, academic history, etc please contact the Office of the Registrar at:

Office of the Registrar
Cardinal Farrell Hall, Ste. 180
1845 E Northgate Dr
Irving, TX 75062
Phone: 972-721-5221
Fax: 972-721-5132

Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

How do I bookmark BannerWeb-Student for Registration?

BannerWeb utilizes single sign on. Each time the link is accessed a new Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) token is generated. If you want to bookmark the BannerWeb link you will need to perform the following steps to successfully copy the URL for bookmarking:

Copy the following link address:
Go to Bookmarks within your web browser
Add new bookmark and name the bookmark
Paste the copied URL
Save the new bookmark

If you do not directly copy the link address from above, you may receive a message stating “Authentication Error! Something went wrong during the authentication process. Please try signing in again.” 

Can alumni access BannerWeb-Student?

Yes, alumni will be able to access BannerWeb-Student. Your username will be the first part of your student email address before the "@", and your password will be the same as signing into a computer on campus. If you have not logged into a computer on campus or have not changed your password, it will be your student ID number. 

If you receive an authentication error please email . Your account may need to be reactivated to access BannerWeb-Student. When entering a support ticket please provide details of the error along with your student ID, First Name, Last Name, and phone number. 

Using your Mobile Device with BannerWeb-Student

I get a blue screen with SAML logout successful. What does that mean?
There could be two reasons that you are receiving this error. The first reason is that you have timed out of the session you were previously logged into. BannerWeb has a timeout set at 120 minutes. After 120 minutes of inactivity you will be automatically signed out. The second reason could be that you have an active session that is trying to use a different SAML token competing against the current login. Only one BannerWeb session should be logged into at once if you are on a mobile device. Please follow the steps below to assist with resolving the log in issue.

Exit out of all BannerWeb pages from your mobile device
   Note: you will need to exit/close the web browser before continuing to the following steps. 
Access the BannerWeb-Student link
Log into BannerWeb-Student using your single sign on credentials Note: If you do not know your single sign on credentials review the "What is my username and password for BannerWeb" from the above FAQ.
After successful sign in, you will be able to navigate the Student Landing page and access the links needed to complete your session

How do I clear my web browser cache?

When troubleshooting issues with any site, always exit your browser completely after clearing your cache before attempting to access the site again. In Windows, close all your browser windows; in Mac OS X, quit your browser.


On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right click on more (three vertical dots).
Click More tools > Clear browsing data.
At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
Next to “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached imaged and files”, check the boxes
Click Clear.


On your computer, open Edge
Click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the browser.
Choose Settings.
Under Clear Browsing Data click Choose What To Clear.
Select the items you wish to clear (e.g., Browsing History, Cookies and Saves Website Date, Cached Data and Files, Downloaded History and Form Data).
Click Clear.


On your computer, open FireFox
Click the hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the browser.
Click Preferences (Mac) or Options (PC).
Click Privacy in the left menu bar.
Click Clear Your Recent History.
From the Time range to clear: drop-down menu, select the desired range; to clear your entire cache, select Everything.
Click the down arrow next to "Details" to choose which elements of the history to clear.
Select Browsing & Download History, Form & Search History, Cookies, Cache and Active Login
Click Clear Now.

Internet Explorer

On your computer, open Internet Explorer
Click Tools, and select Delete Browsing History.
Deselect Preserve Favorites website data, and select Temporary Internet files, Cookies, and History.
Click Delete.

Mobile Safari for iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)

To clear cache and cookies:
From the home screen, Select Settings > Safari.
At the bottom of Safari's settings screen, Select Clear cookies and data or Clear Cookies and Clear Cache.
Confirm when prompted.

To clear history:
From the home screen, tap Safari.
At the bottom of the screen, tap the Bookmarks icon.
In the lower left, tap Clear.
Tap Clear History.

Adding a new phone number in BannerWeb-Student

The following steps outline how to add new phone numbers within BannerWeb. Please note if your address, phone, and email address appear correct within BannerWeb you do not need to update the information. If you would like to update other contact or address information, those changes also take place in the same section of BannerWeb-Student. 

Access BannerWeb-Student 
Click on BannerWeb-Student
Log in using your single sign on credentialsYour username will be the first part of your University Student email address before "@", and your password will be the same as signing into a computer on campus. If you have not logged into a computer on campus or have not changed your password, it will be your Student ID number.
Upon accessing the Student Dashboard click the Personal Information Tile
From the Personal Information page click add new to add a new cell phone number
From the Phone Type drop down menu select Cell
Enter Phone Number area code in the Area Code field
Enter the remaining of the phone number in the Phone Number Field
Click the Primary indicator
Click Add
Upon successful addition you will be redirected back to the Personal Information page with a Saved Successfully notification with the Cell indicated as Primary

How do I request an official transcript?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the Request Official Transcript tile from the Student Landing PageNote: When clicking Request Transcript you will be redirected to the National Student Clearinghouse website for University of Dallas. 
Click Order Transcript(s)
Follow the instructions provided by the National Student Clearinghouse by entering your personal and student information
Follow the instructions provided by the National Student Clearinghouse by selecting the transcripts needed and delivery details
Confirm the order and checkout

How do I view an unofficial transcript?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the View Unofficial Transcript tile from the Student Landing Page
Select the transcript level and transcript type to view the unofficial transcript

How do I view my grades?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the View Grades tile from the Student Landing Page
Select a term to view grades for that term
Select a student level to view grades for that termNote: Multiple levels will be presented if you have undergraduate and graduate records. 
You are also able to view details regarding your GPA, your primary curriculum, secondary (optional) and related course work. When clicking on View Details next to GPA Summary you will be presented with Term specific GPA information:Selected Term – Term GPA by institutional course work by the selected student level
Institutional – Cumulative GPA of institutional course work for the selected student level
Transfer – Transfer GPA by the selected student level. Please note you may or may not have transferred courses from prior institutions
Overall – The overall GPA by the selected student level
When clicking on View Details next to Primary Curriculum you will be presented with program related details such as level (student level can be Undergraduate or Graduate), college, degree being sought, program, campus, admit term, and major/minor.Note: You may or may not have Secondary Curriculum associated to your student record for the term and student level.
Once grades have been viewed you are able to use the Home button to navigate back to the Registration landing page or sign-out of the page.Note: If there are multiple student levels throughout your student life cycle (i.e. undergraduate and graduate) then you will be able to select a term and student level.

How do it view my financial aid information?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the Financial Aid tile from the Student Landing Page
Click the Award Offer tab

How do I upload financial aid documentation?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the Financial Aid tile from the Student Landing Page
Click the Financial Aid Documents button
Select the requirement from the Select Requirement drop-down
Click the paperclip icon and attach a .pdf or image file
(Optional) Add a comment to the file in the Comments button
Click the Upload Document(s) button to submit the document(s)
To view a list of previously uploaded documents, click the My Documents tab along the top. To view the document, click the eye icon next to the corresponding document. 

How do I get to my timesheet?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the Student Worker - Employee Access tile from the Student Landing Page
Click the Enter Time button from the My Activities menu

If the Bursar needs me to upload a document, where can I do that?

Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
Click the Bursar - Document Upload tile from the Student Landing Page
Select the document type from the Select Document Type drop-down
Click the paperclip icon and attach a .pdf or image file
(Optional) Add a comment to the file in the Comments button
Click the Upload Document(s) button to submit the document(s)

To view a list of previously uploaded documents, click the My Documents tab along the top. To view the document, click the eye icon next to the corresponding document. 

Degree Works

Degree Works is the University’s degree audit (what classes to take) and course planning (when to take these classes) software.

Please reference the Degree Works User Guide for assistance in accessing and utilizing the degree audit and planning software.